Tuesday 10 March 2015

Day 48 - Riverton Crèche & Wesbank Football Club

Today we had pretty much the same as what we had last Tuesday, one session at Riverton crèche, followed by a break at the Learning Centre, followed by an afternoon session at Wesbank Football Club.
Now, I don't actually know the proper name of Wesbank football club. Last week I called it Gugulethu Football Club, this week I called it Wesbank. To be honest, I've heard it been called so many different names that it's just completely confused me. It's a football club, in a place called Wesbank. Let's leave it at that.

We met Joe at the Learning Centre at 8:30, before driving onto Riverton crèche. We got there, and before we'd even started setting up, the kids were on their way out. Funnily enough, they remembered the Kolo chant from last week and were singing that. Quality stuff. They seemed a lot more awake and loud than last week, which made it easier to have fun and play games with them.
We started off with the same as how we started last week, with them moving around in the area, and stopping when Martin blew the whistle.
We were surprised after, though, as Joe said he wanted to take over for one of our relay games. To be fair to the fella, he did really well. He did pretty much what we did for our relay sessions, but got the kids to crawl through their teams legs when they returned, which was a nice idea. Afterwards, he gave the reigns over to us, and retired from his duties, so we took the rest of the session. We pretty much did the same, and we even managed to get them putting the ball on the floor and kicking it, which we were really impressed by. A big improvement on last week.
Soon enough, it was time to go. That was our last session at Riverton so we wouldn't see the kids again. It was a bit of a shame to say goodbye as we were finally connecting with them, but there are other Crèche's that we're having to say goodbye to a lot of kids quite often.

After we stopped for lunch and a bit of a chill out at the Learning Centre, we headed off to Wesbank, to take our final session of the day. Last week the coaches asked for some exercises to do with only 1 ball, so we based our whole session around that. We split the group in half, Martin took one side with the ball, and I took the other and did various tag games, we eventually switched so both sides experienced both coaches, and exercises. We started off with 14 kids, and eventually had 40, after more and more kids turned up and wanted to play, which was interesting.
We ended the session with a 4 way match, where 2 teams would play a match in one direction, then when a goal was scored,the other 2 teams would play across in the other direction. It worked pretty well, thankfully.

Soon enough, that was it, and we left Wesbank, pleased after another successful session, and headed home. I'm exhausted so aim to not have too late a night, as we have a busy day tomorrow.


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