Sunday 8 March 2015

Day 46 - Lazy Day 2.0

As part of our curriculum out here in Cape Town, Martin and I work from Tuesday's to Saturday's, and get Sunday's and Monday's off. We aim to do at least one touristy thing every weekend, and possibly just laze about on the other day. As we are doing the Cape Town Peninsula Tour tomorrow, today was our day to laze about and do nothing.

It was lovely.

Between August and December, I was pretty much working non stop, doing 5 days a week at Arsenal, then working all weekend at Specsavers. So any day where I can just chill and laze about I take in with open arms and abuse it. Which is exactly what I did today.

All we did was sit downstairs, messaging the girlfriends, watching movies, just chilling out, before heading down to Mixas to watch the Liverpool-Blackburn game, in the FA Cup Quarter Finals. There is literally nothing to say about the game, it was dead boring, and finished 0-0. Would be well happy if Blackburn knock Liverpool out though. It's unbelievably annoying how much I've heard about the FA Cup Final being on Gerrards birthday, and how it would be a "perfect send off" for when he leaves this summer.
No. Shut up.
For one, a BETTER send off would be winning the league for the first time, but we all know what happened last season. They let it slip (pun intended - for those that get it).
Secondly, I strongly believe that whoever wins between tomorrow's game, Arsenal vs Manchester United, will win the FA Cup. I just know. Hold me to it if you wish.

After the game, we headed back to Berghof, via Checkers supermarket to pick up some bread, where we ended the day just chilling out, watching movies, skyping the family and the girlfriend. It was nice.
It's slowly starting to hit home the amount of time we've been out here, and the smaller things that I miss about home, I'm starting to miss more now. 5 weeks left though. Hopefully March will fly by, then we'll be getting ready to go.

Don't get me wrong South Africa's incredible, and the people we've met and the kids we've coached have on the whole been amazing so far, just we're both looking forward to being home and seeing our friends, family's and girlfriends again.


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