Saturday 11 April 2015

Day 80 - Wine Tasting With Azille

Today we started our final weekend out here in Cape Town, and Azille had booked us for today, so we could join her, along with her husband and friends, on a wine tasting trip. Not being a big drinker of wine, wine tasting wasn't on my list of things to do. But, as it barely cost a fiver for both Martin and I to go, and as there was biltong available, as well as spending a decent day out with Azille, I was more than happy to come along.

It was a really good day. Really good. We met Azille at a garden centre near her house so we could follow her car to her house, where we met her husband, Ernie, and they're friends, Chantel and Fritz, who were another couple that they knew. When everything was all parked up, we all jumped in Ernie's bukkie, and headed for the wine tasting. After a short drive we stopped off at a place called Marianne Wine Estate, which was a small, hidden vineyard, with a tiny building, where we went into and sat at our table. Sun was shining, views were incredible, and the waitress started bringing out the wines. We tried 5 in total there, 4 reds, 1 white. The white wine was probably my favourite out of all of them. Although I'm not a big wine drinker, all the wines we tasted were really nice. They were only small samples which I guess made it easier, as I felt comfortable only taking small sips. The last 3 wines we had, we tried with biltong too, which was nice.

After we were done, we headed over to Dulheim, another little vineyard. This time we were indoors, sat down at a table, and were given a list of wines, where we could choose 6 to try. I cant remember which ones I had, but they were all really nice. A little bit tipsy, everyone started having more of a laugh, and there was less awkwardness than the first wine tasting, so that made it really nice and relaxed. After drinking our wines, and paying for everything, we headed to the final place, which was the place where Azille and Ernie got married. It was a beautiful little vineyard with a nice, country feel to it, and lots of outside area. After drinking 11 samples of wine, and knowing I had to drive home later, I sobered up with a can of coke and a cheeky BLT, which was absolutely amazing. After everyone finished eating, we headed back to Azilles.

At Azilles, we all chilled out infront of her indoor braai, which was quite nice. Her and Ernie made this South African dish, called a Potjie, pronounce Poikie. It's like a stew, with Springbok meat, with potatoes and veg, all put in an iron pot and cooked over a fire for 3 hours. Took a long time, but when it was served with rice it was really nice. It was nice to eat and just chill out with Azille and Chantel's 5 dogs. Azille and Ernie have 2, and Chantel and Fritz have 3. Safe to say it was an evening for dogs. They were cute though so it's okay.

After eating the stew, it was getting late, so we said our thanks to Azille and Ernie, and our farewells to Fritz and Chantel and headed home. More of a chilled out day tomorrow, saying goodbye to Selwyn, then going to see some Cheetahs!


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