Thursday 9 April 2015

Day 77 - Drommedaris Easter Activity Morning & Drommedaris Girls

11 weeks done and completed! Blimey, only 5 days to go. Everytime I think about it, it feels stranger and stranger how quick time has flown by out here.

We started the day with our final Easter Activity session with the Drommedaris complex. After the nightmare that was Bothasig yesterday, we were hoping for the ever reliable Drommedaris group to put us in a better mood.


We thought Bothasig were bad. They were angels compared to Drommedaris. After 10 minutes I was done. They just wouldn't listen to anything we said, and seemed to be so fidgety and restless, it was a nightmare. Joe managed to get the kids under control though, and stamped his authority on them. It was something to admire.

We quickly told the Easter story then got underway with activities. Same as before, Martin had games outside, I controlled egg painting, and Jodi assisted with colouring in.

The actual activities went quite well, it was just what happened but the kids just didn't want to do JUST the activity. At the painting station, kids were painiting eachothers faces, so I had to take their brushes of them, at the colouring station the kids were colouring in everything, not just their paper, and somehow a few of the kids absolutely destroyed the bathroom, leaving it in a terrible state. Safe to say it wasn't the best group of kids we've had.

Thankfully, after clearing everything up and feeding them, it was over, and the kids went off home. We were all tired, so drowned our sorrows eating the left over jelly tot sweets that we had.

Azille and Jodi headed off, and Joe went to get a few bits from the library so Martin and I played a bit of table tennis, using a small, square table as the court. It was a fun little game we played when we had some free time at Drommedaris, so it was a nice way to chill out as we waited for the others.

When Joe returned, we headed off. I headed to Berghof to have my haircut, and Martin dropped Joe off.

After my haircut, which resulted in a very stylish trim by the way, we headed over to the Italian Club, where we had our last session with Drommedaris girls.

We arrived there, and we had a mixture of boys and girls, so we got straight into a match, boys vs girls. Girls were a man down so I pitched in and helped. Couldn't stop the boys winning 3-0 though, they were all over us to be fair and could've scored more, so 3-0 wasn't a bad result.

After saying our last goodbyes to Drommedaris and AD their coach, we headed home, got changed, and headed straight out to meet Vinolia and Joe, who we were taking for dinner.

They had chosen a seafood place called Bluefin, which was actually a really nice place. Joe and Vinolia both had this fish stir fry which looked quite nice. The restaurant also did Chinese so Martin had crispy duck with chow mein, while I had sweet and sour pork with egg fried rice. After finishing mine, I had to help Martin out and eat some of his because he was struggling, and then finished off Joe and Vinolias chips, as they were a tad too full too. 3 meals? Easy ;-)

We finished with hot chocolates and coffee, before dropping Joe and Vinolia back to their house. It was nice to take them out, as they've been so nice, welcoming and generous to us during our stay here, so it was only right to take them out at least once for a nice meal. They deserved it. It'll be hard saying goodbye to the Africa family. Although Vinolia wants to visit in 3 years time, so hopefully we can see them again, and show them round our country this time.


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