Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 76 - Bothasig Gardens Easter Activity Morning

Today we entered our final 7 days of Cape Town life. Next Tuesday we start the long, 22 hour journey home. It's gone by unbelievably quick. I say it often in my blogs but it really has.

Today we just had one thing scheduled today, it was the Bothasig Gardens Easter Activity Morning.

Thankfully, the car was working, so we didn't have to get a train in, so we were allowed to leave a little bit later this morning. We got the Learning Centre, said our hellos, and started packing up the car with bits and bobs we had to take to the complex to do the Easter activities.

We had the same sort of thing as with Sunflower last week. Martin was outside doing ball games, I was inside doing the egg painting, and Azille assisted with the colouring in, with the groups rotating to a different area after a certain time period.

It went well, kids weren't as well behaved as maybe we'd have liked, but we got by. Most of my time was spent trying to clear up spilled food colouring, which was an absolute chore, as there was so much of it spilled, and it's so annoying to get out. My hands, despite plenty of attempts washing them, are still blue from the food colouring stains.

When everything was done, we packed it all up, gave the kids sandwiches, sweets, and chocolates, and said our goodbyes. To be fair, that was probably the most difficult it's going to get for this week. As its our final week, all it really is is winding things down, visiting places for the final time and just getting things sorted to go home, so it's nice and chilled out, not too hectic.

We grabbed some lunch and headed back to the Learning Centre. That was us done for the day! By 2pm we were finished, it was a strange feeling. We were thinking of going to see Fast and Furious with Yonick and Jodi, but they had Youth Group so couldn't. Shame. We headed to Mike's Sports to pay for the kit that my girlfriends mum kindly donated money towards. We were told it will arrive in 2-4 weeks so hopefully should be able to get some pictures for you nearer then.

Tomorrow, off to Drommedaris for our final Easter Activity session, followed by a haircut for yours truly, then our final session with Drommedaris girls, then rounding off the night taking Joe and Vinolia out for dinner to say thank you for taking care of us and being so welcoming to us during our time out here. They're the nicest, most generous and caring couple I know, and have made life out here in South Africa so much easier for us, being pretty much like parents and good friends to us, without asking for anything in return, so they deserve to be treated!


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