Thursday 2 April 2015

Day 71 - Sunflower Creche Easter Activities & Drommedaris Boys

Today was our last bit of working before a long Easter weekend break, and it went really well in my opinion.

We had an Easter activity morning for Sunflower creche, where we had about 60 kids, split into 3 different groups. We had 3 different activities set up in the main hall at the Learning Centre. We had colouring in, egg painting, and Martin squared off a little area where he was going to take a group for various activities. I helped Azille with egg painting, and the creche teachers watched over the colouring in. After a short period of time, the groups moved round, and did another activity.

We started off with a classic Martin and Harry introduction, where we got the kids shouting and lively ahead of the day. But instead of getting them to shout Arsenal, we got them to shout Easter instead, which went really well. After that, I read out the Easter story that Azille wrote out for us, before splitting the groups up and getting them into their activities.

Egg painting went really well, except it got really messy. We used food colouring to colour the eggs, as it dries quicker. But its so difficult to get off your hands. I've washed my hands so many times, and you can still see a bit of blue food colouring on my palms. It's a nightmare! It was really fun though, and the kids really enjoyed it too, which was the main thing. Plus it was a bit of a chilled out activity, before they went straight to Martins lively session.

After all the activities were over and done with, we got them sat down and handed them bowls of goodies, which they chewed on, before walking them back to their creche. The teachers were really grateful for our sessions, and it was really nice to see how much it meant to them and the kids being out here and getting them active. Its been a pleasure working with every creche we've been at, and it's been really nice to see the smiles on the kids faces as we get them up, about and playing.

We had a bit of a break before our last session, so we chilled out for a bit. Martin put up the pictures of today, while me and Joe sorted out the Ruyterwacht notice board with photos from the circle opening, which was decent.

At around 3, we headed to the Drommedaris complex, and sorted out all the books that had been donated to help start a small library there, in order to help the kids learn and relax. So we spent a couple of hours sorting the books out with Joe and Jodi, getting it in a decent state so it can actually be used. We managed to get it all done, which was nice, but it still looks really bare, with Joe even saying that they need more books for it.

When it got to 5, Martin and I parted with Joe and Jodi, and headed to Atlantic Club, where A-D was waiting with us with his Drommedaris boys. Most of them were on holiday for Easter, and we only had 8 boys. So we decided to have a match. it gave me the perfect opportunity to level things up between me and Martin, with the scores at 5-4.

After arguably our most even game of the bet, Martins team crumbled with about 5 mins to go, and just flopped, enabling us to run rampant over the last few minutes and win 9-5. Which means its now 5-5 overall between Martin and I. In the car on the way home we agreed that it will all be settled at our soccer clinic with De Beers next week, where we're going to each coach a team, and whoever wins, wins the bet. Its on. I'm on a good run now, winning 3 in a row. Ready to win this!

Tomorrow off to Danielles house, she's kindly invited Martin and I round for lunch, so we're heading there, which I'm looking forward too! Easter weekend is shaping up to be a pretty decent one!


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