Tuesday 31 March 2015

Day 69 - Tafelberg Creche & All Stars Football Club

Today we started our final full week of coaching, as next week is full of Easter activities, and coaching clinics. To think that this is our last full week of actual coaching is really weird, as it doesn't feel like long since we arrived here and got underway. Crazy.

We started off at Tafelberg creche, which is based pretty much at the foot of Table Mountain, and has great views over Cape Town, as well as a close up of the mountain really close next to it. We got there, introduced ourselves to the teachers and the kids, got ourselves set up, and started our session.
We had 2 classes today, and we did pretty much the same thing as we usually do, movement game followed by passing the ball around in a circle. With the second group, however, we managed to get the ball on the floor, and had them kicking the ball back to us. Credit to Martin for doing it, as we'll probably use it for Silvertree tomorrow. That's why he's the creche coach of the partnership while i'm the club coach.

After we finished both classes, the 2 year olds were unleashed onto the play area we were on. They were absolutely adorable. We finished at about 10:20, but stayed until 11 just playing with these babies that had appeared on our grass. It was so fun, and they were so cute, and after getting over that original hesitation at not knowing who you were, they got quite clingy which was cute.

We then had photos with the teachers, and waved them, and the babies, goodbye. We had a 6 hour break between then and our All Stars session, so after dropping Joe off, we headed home to chill out for a bit.

We were told to meet Dalla at the All Stars training field at 6, and we managed to get there a lot quicker than we thought, arriving 25 minutes early. We took a ball and had a bit of a kickaround, while waiting for group we were coaching to turn up. We had under 12's today, so a younger group than what we had last time.

Pretty much as soon as they turned up, we got underway. We did a session called "Skills Corridor", which Martin and I did for our Youth Module assessment, along with James, which got us a lot of praise from Ciara, our coach, so we thought we'd do it. We had 11 kids, so Martin volunteered to join in the training just to make it easier in terms of numbers, while I took the session. They did really well actually, for a group of 11 year olds I was really impressed. We got quite a lot done, and ended with a small match. We've enjoyed both sessions with All Stars, and it's a shame we started with them so late, as we could've done a lot more with them that would've been more beneficial than with other clubs. Oh well.

After getting home we headed out to Yindee's for a Thai meal, food was delicious, again.

Got our last ever creche session tomorrow, which feels even weirder to say, with Silvertree, followed by handing all the gear sent over from my amazing mum to Wesbank Football Club. Should be good!


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