Wednesday 1 April 2015

Day 70 - Silvertree Creche & Wesbank Football Club

Today was a good day. A really good day.

It started off with our final ever creche session, at our favourite creche, Sivertree. Granted, the Silvertree sessions didn't go as well as we'd hoped, with the kids seeming to be fully comfortable with us, therefore seeming to be completely disruptive and not listening at all. It was a nightmare, the second group were better than the first, but were still a pain. Oh well, no more creche coaching, which feels weird, as its all starting to wind down to us leaving, which is a nice feeling. As much as I've loved my experience out here, I'm starting to miss home more every day, so it's the right time to finish it all off.

Like I said in my blog a couple of days ago, Maddie's (the girlfriend) mum has been amazing, and has raised £100 for us to buy gear for the kids we coach out here. After we decided on giving the gear from my mum to Wesbank, we decided to use this money to try and boost girls football out here, which is progressing, but very very slowly. So we decided to use the money on the Ruyterwacht girls team, who don't actually have a kit to themselves for when they play matches. So after we finished at Silvertree, we headed down to a sports store called Mike's Sports. After having a look around, and seeing what we could get for our money. We managed to get 10 football tops, which was made of really nice material, with numbers, as well as the Communicare logo, along with Ruyterwacht FC written on the front, all for £100. Which is a bargain compared to prices back home. We were really happy.
The guy at the shop said the kit would take around 3-4 weeks to come through, so we wont be around to see it, but he'll send us mock up photos of the kit which I'll post when they come through. So thank you so much to Lucy Mcgill for that!

After that, we picked up Lourens from the Learning Centre, loaded up the car with the gear my amazing mum sent us, and headed to Wesbank. We got there, had a nice chat with the coaches, admired the surroundings, before getting down to business.
We started off with the boots. 35 pairs of boots. It was amazing. As we were unpacking them, they were in a state of shock, naming each pair of boots we brought out, and reeling off in delight. It was amazing to see their faces, it was really touching. We got quite a few pictures that both Martin and I have put on Facebook so take a look at those!
After dishing out the boots, we quickly distributed the rest of the kit, which they all went nuts for, it was quality. They were wanting everything! We had to stop them and leave the bigger stuff in the boxes though, as they were too big for the kids there, so the coaches said they'd save it for the Senior team, which is nice.

After that, our day was over. A pretty amazing day in my opinion. It felt really nice to be able to give something back to the kids. Luke and Jeff had a load of Nike Arsenal gear for last year, which Arsenal had to get rid of, and sadly we had nothing to bring. So it's really nice to be able to give the kids something before we go. So thank you to my amazing mum, Elli, and to Maddie's amazing mum, Lucy, for helping us give something back to the community out here!

Early night tonight as we have a very early start tomorrow. We're doing Easter egg hunting and painting with a big group of kids, which should be fun!


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