Thursday 5 March 2015

Day 43 - Drommedaris Boys

Today we had a late start, as we weren't coaching until around 5, where we had an afternoon session with the Drommedaris boys, at Atlantic Football Club.

After an early call from Joe, saying we didn't have to come in at 10, but come in at 2 instead, I extended my lie in for a few hours which was much appreciated.

We had lunch and headed to the Learning Centre where we would spend a couple of hours there, helping those that needed help on the computers, before heading to Atlantic Football Club at 4 for a quick kick around before our session.

2 lads joined us as we arrived so we had a 2v2 game, which was decent. Then along came Adnaan and the rest of the Drommedaris kids too.

We had 2 older lads, from the under 19's joined in our session too which was alright, but meant we had a pretty vast range in ages and abilities, which made it hard to make it worthwhile to everyone, but I think we did well

We did a shooting session with them, similar to what we did with the girls team, but we made it a bit more challenging. They still managed to miss quite a few of their shots. Something Martin and I have discovered since coming out here is that the ball control of the kids is exceptional, they can control the ball incredibly. Shooting on the other hand, they couldn't hit a barn door from 5 yards. It's odd, the one major areas for improvement that the kids need is shooting. Very rarely out here you see a kid who can score loads of goals, and takes loads of shots. It's strange.

After the shooting session was over, a few of the kids departed to start their Atlantic training session. With the remainder of the players we had, we decided to have a match. Martin and I would join in, and it was a chance for me to claw it back to 4-3.


5-2. This is bad now. It's starting to get more and more competitive. Martin was wasting time like there was no tomorrow, and I was getting more and more frustrated. Ahh well.

Headed home, and went out for dinner. We tried the Slug & Lettuce today, to see if it was anything like back home. I had (you guessed it) the ribs, and they were the thickest, juiciest ribs you'll ever see. Beautiful.

After that we headed back home, where we're just going to chill out and watch movies. Another lie in tomorrow, and another late afternoon session, which should be good!


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