Wednesday 4 March 2015

Day 42 - Ysterplaat Crèche (1&2), Goodwood College & Drommedaris

Day 42, and officially 6 weeks into the trip. It's weird thinking that around 5 months ago we found out that Martin and I were the chosen ones to make the trip to Cape Town. It feels like last week. Time has flown by.

We started the day off with the 2 Ysterplaat Crèche's. The first crèche were, like last week, relatively quiet. It took a while for them to get into it, but in the end we got them shouting Arsenal, which is what we like to see!
In the second class of the first Ysterplaat crèche, there were a few problem children, nothing major just very energetic and disruptive. While picking teams, Martin (somehow!) managed to put most of these excited, disruptive bunch in the group I had, meaning while I could look over and see him having a decent last 10 minutes, I had to constantly encourage them to listen and keep to the task. Before to long, though the session was over, and I was already exhausted.
We went into the second Ysterplaat crèche with high hopes, as they seemed a lot more mature, focused, and generally more fun to coach than most of the other Crèche's we've visited. Sadly, 5 minutes in our hopes were dashed, after we asked them all to gather round they literally bundled in, every time. One time they managed to floor me, as I had about 20 kids grabbing my legs! Luckily I managed to not crush anyone. Oddly enough though, when Martin blew his whistle to try and get their attention, they all ran to a cone, as if we were playing the game we played last week with them. We were both completely surprised, but made the most of it, and played that game again with them.
Around 20 minutes in, the rain started to pour, and the kids went crazy, it was like they've never seen rain before. The teachers hurried them in, and that pretty much ended our session with them. Odd.

After having our lunch break at the Learning Centre, we headed for Goodwood college. Joe wasn't joining us as he had to be elsewhere, so it was us, and Densel. Not as many boys turned up for this weeks though, as Densel turned most away for not having their kit. We had enough for an 11-a-side game though, which is what the school wanted as they had games coming up, and wanted Densel to see what he was working with for the rest of the year. Martin and I saw an opportunity. He joined one side, I joined another. It was an awful game. Awful pitch, awful play, awful all round. My team lost 2-0, which means Martin is now beating me 4-2 on games. But I tell you what, we had so many opportunities to score and win that game. One of our strikers missed an absolute sitter from 2 yards out too! Unbelievable. I've got a lot of work to do now to claw it back! 

After Goodwood College we headed straight to Drommedaris to do our life skills session. My, these kids were so clingy! After teaching them about compliments, we went outside to play, and Martin and I were literally a climbing frame for these kids. It was a nightmare. I managed to get head butted by some girl who tried jumping on me, and was luckily not to have a bleeding lip. As soon as Joe said we could, we headed home, completely exhausted from a tiring day, and ready to settle down in front of the TV for the night.

Tonight's schedule - School Of Rock, Hangover 3, Arsenal game. Hopefully all 3 will be good. I know the first 2 are. Expecting nothing less than 3 points today.


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