Tuesday 3 March 2015

Day 40 - Lazy Day

Again, I'm sorry this post is coming late. The wifi at Berghof has been dreadful recently, so I am currently writing this from the Learning Centre!

Another lazy day today, this time it was my bad though. Martin had wanted to go out and do something today, but while we were upstairs deciding what to do, I managed to fall asleep, and didn't wake up until around 5pm! Oops.

While I was asleep, Martin went outside for a bit, and apparently temperatures reached 41 degrees! No wonder I fell asleep in a room with no air con!

After I woke up, we attempted to use the wifi for a bit, but gave up. So we headed for the shops to grab a few bits before we settle down and watch movies on the TV. The schedule was The Purge, followed by Dallas Buyers Club. Happy days!
I grabbed some popcorn, sweets and coke, while Martin got his bits and bobs, then we headed back and settled down for the movie.

After watching the 2 quality films, I attempted to again use the wifi, but again had no luck. Was meant to Skype the family, but I knew it was going to end in frustration, so told them i'll call them when wifi picks up.

Not much to say for day 40, so sorry for the dullish blog. Day 41 is our halfway point, so will hopefully be a bit better.


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