Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 28 - Sunflower crèche & De Waveren Primary School

Day 28, 4 weeks into our trip over here in South Africa, and 8 weeks to go. We're already a third into our trip and time is flying by.
Today we had a pretty easy day, with a crèche in the morning, followed by a primary school session in the afternoon.
We started off with a visit to the Learning Centre from the Sunflower crèche lot, who we'd coached last week, and were looking forward to them coming again, as the enthusiasm was brilliant, even if they didn't understand us much!
We did the same session that we did with Goodwood yesterday, but we added a relay type game in between the beginning game, and the circle ball rolling game at the end. We had to drag the session out a bit as we had them for an hour, but it went really well in my opinion, which was nice.
After that we had a few hours to kill before De Waveren, so we chilled out for a bit at the Learning Centre. A couple of people needed help, and a CV needed to be typed up so we did that to kill time, but other than Joe taking us out to drop some stuff off at Sunflower crèche, and paying a quick visit to check out the De Waveren facilities, we didn't do much else. Which I appreciated cause I was exhausted! Especially after such a long day yesterday!
We then went to De Waveren, where we were told we'd have around 25 kids to coach, and around 8 balls, which we were happy with as we could do a decent session with those numbers. We got there and we started the session with 64 kids wanting to be coached! As the session progressed the numbers eventually rose to 80 kids! It was nuts! We had to think on our feet, and if our time at Arsenal has taught us anything its how to cope when numbers and equipment aren't what you expected they'd be! We managed to start a possession based exercise which we use as our back up session, which can be used with any number of kids & balls. However, we'd explain the exercise to each group, and watch them do it, but as soon as we turned our back they'd be doing something else! It was a nightmare. We eventually cut the session a couple of minutes short to have a word with them. Which was weird as we hadn't had to do that with any group since coming out here. Oh well. We were assured we'd have less kids next week by the head coach. We'll take it with a pinch of salt, though.
Tonights plan is to chill out, and watch the Real Madrid-Schalke Champions League game, which should be good. We have a staff outing tomorrow too, which means we don't have to plan any sessions until Friday, where we're only at Waterfront 5's for the last time, which we'll be sad to leave.

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