Sunday 15 February 2015

Day 25 - Aquarium

Another Sunday, another end to the week. Also it's match day! Arsenal vs Middlesborough in the FA Cup.

As the game didn't kick off until 6pm our time, Martin and I agreed we'd do something touristy today in order to tick another experience off of our long list of things we want to do while we're out here. Today was either going to be Hout Bay beach or Aquarium.
After having a nice lie in, and waking up at around 11, we were both feeling the effects of yesterday's trip up Lions Head mountain, especially in our legs, so neither of us felt like going taking a trip to the beach, which we had no idea how to get too. So a trip to the Aquarium was chosen. After having breakfast and getting showered we set off. As the Aquarium was down by the Waterfront we decided to walk it, as it was a nice day and it wasn't a long walk.

When we got there, we had a look at prices, then set off to have a look around the shopping centre and grabbing a drink. We stopped at a place called La Playa, and ordered milkshakes. Martin got an Oreo one, I got a Nutella one. Phwoar. They were beautiful. Massive glasses, and tasty milkshakes. It was brilliant. We had a bit more of a look around town, before heading to the Aquarium to get tickets. It was only R125, which works out at around £7 for a day ticket, which was pretty good.

The Aquarium was brilliant. I loved it. They had all kinds of different fish, sharks, Rays, and even penguins! My favourite! They stank but they were so cool to see up close. Some fish were really weird looking though, and freaked me out a bit. We saw a few sharks in this big tank along with sting rays, a huge turtle, and other massive fish, and it made me want to go shark cage diving even more. They looked so cool up close it was quality.

After we finished looking round the Aquarium, we set off to the Ferrymans pub to watch the game. Last time we went we lost 2-1 to Spurs, and Martins superstitious side kicked in and he was a bit sceptical of going there again. As it was the only place we knew we could see the game at I made him go. We decided to grab some dinner there too as it was getting late, Martin got a burger, and I opted for a huge rack of ribs. 1.2kg worth of ribs to be exact. They were massive! After failing to finish off my ribs at Da Vinci's a while ago, Martin was making jokes at me about not being able to finish these. Game on. Around 45 minutes later I had successfully scoffed down 1.2kg of ribs, along with a side order of chips. Beautiful. On to watch the game.

We actually played really well, and won 2-0, to get into the quarter finals! Ground got a brace, and I was gutted he didn't bag a hat trick. Also proved to Martin that the Ferrymans wasn't a cursed place to watch the football after all!

Got an early start tomorrow so I'll end the post here. Joe wants us at the Learning Centre for 9am! So we're both aiming to get an early night.


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