Tuesday 17 February 2015

Day 27 - Goodwood Crèche, Ruyterwacht Circle & Atlantic Soccer Club

Today we really saw the heat kick in, with the temperature reaching 34degrees by 10am! It was way too hot.

We started the day off with our final booked session at Goodwood Park Crèche, and as it was so hot, Lourens asked us to try and avoid the kids running about too much, and make our sessions a bit shorter so the kids didn't overheat. So we decided to do a game to start with that got them moving, but in different ways. We set out cones I a big square, and got the kids moving in the middle of it. When Martin blew his whistle they then had to find, and stand by a cone. They seemed to love it, so we let it drag out for a while, before finishing the session off with getting the kids sat down in a circle, rolling a ball to eachother, like we did last week. We managed to do that with all 4 groups, which made it easier. But after getting involved with the kids in the game, I was exhausted by the end of it. The heat completely took it out of me.

After lunch we quickly headed back to Berghof so I could grab my boots for Atlantic Football Club later on, and went to the Learning Centre to chill out for a bit before our after school session at the Ruyterwacht Circle. That was a fairly chilled out session, too. We had around 10 kids, who all wanted to play a match. As it was so hot we gave in and let them play, and we got involved too, which was a big mistake as we were so hot afterwards.

From that, we picked up Yonick, and took him to Atlantic, where we were meant to coach the under 16's and 17's, but a few of Yonicks under 18's team turned up too, so they joined in. We did a similar session to our Table View one on Thursday, and got them into possession based exercises, which they did really well in actually. Although it was completely silent the whole time. None of them talked to eachother! Even when we told them to call names, the most they'd do is mumble. It was crazy. I've never coached a team so quiet.

After a hot, tiring day we made our way home, where we plan on chilling out, watching the Chelsea-PSG game on the TV. I know you should always support clubs from your country, but I can't stand Chelsea one bit, so hoping for a PSG win!


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