Thursday 19 March 2015

Day 57 - Computer Workshop, Trafalgar High School & All Stars Football Club

Today we had a very full day, with our 4 day computer workshop taking up the whole morning, followed by an after school session with Trafalgar High School, before ending on an evening session with All Stars Football Club, who were Yonicks old team.

We started the computer workshop at 9, and finally finished it at around 11. Today's focus was purely on Microsoft Word, and how to use the various functions of it, such as changing font, the text alignment, bold, italics and underlining text. It's not exactly football coaching, but it's technically another style of coaching that we're doing, which can only help us for our football work.
With the computer workshop, the people attending it have a vast range of abilities. We have some that are finding it easy, and to be honest, we're not sure if its worth them being here, as they seem completely comfortable with computers as it is. We then have the others who really struggle, and take a long time to understand what we find easy. There seems to be no middle ground. Either really advanced or really struggling. Makes it more challenging for us, though, which will help us.

After the workshop was over, we treated ourselves to Koeksisters. I've managed to convince the lady at the shop to give me the recipe on how to make them, so when I come home I can still have my beloved treats. We bought 8, Joe had 3, I had 3, and Martin had 2. He didn't fancy a third. We then headed back to the Learning Centre where we had a little break before going to Trafalgar.

When we arrived at Trafalgar, we met up with one of the main coaches, who took us to a football pitch nearby where they trained on. This pitch was nice. Very nice. It had just been cut, lines were just put on and it all looked nice and fresh. Plus it was right next to Table Mountain, which made it look even better.
We had 2 groups, a boys team and a girls team. Martin took the girls and I took the boys. Martin had Thakira, who was one of the girls from the Drommedaris lot that we've coached before, which was surprising as we had no idea that she went to this school, especially as it was so far away from Drommedaris.
I took the boys and tried out a session that I found off the FA Licenced Coaches Club website, that I was intending to use with All Stars. It was an attacking-focused exercise, which looked at teams on the counter attack, who have a man or 2 advantage over the defenders. It worked pretty well, was a bit slow at first but after a bit of extra coaching and encouragement it worked out and looked quite good. The lads enjoyed it too, and gave me some good feedback, which helped a lot so I could improve it for when I coach it again.
After wrapping the sessions up, we had a chat with a couple of the other coaches. One of which who's a big Everton fan. They were really nice and friendly, and might even be sorting us out with tickets for tomorrow's Ajax Cape Town game. Which would be awesome.

We then dropped Thakira and her friend off home, before heading to meet coach Dallas, who would take us to All Stars.
We met him on Tuesday, and he previously said that him and the other coaches wanted us to go through some attacking and high pressurised exercises with them. So we had 3 different ones in mind, which we spent half an hour on each to just show the coaches.
They all went really well. We started off with a 5v2 situation, where the attackers had to make 5 passes between them before playing the ball across to a 3rd team, who were then under pressure by the defneding team. We then went from that straight into the session I did with Trafalgar, which was improved slightly thanks to their feedback. That went really well. We then ended on a 1 on 1 game, where we had 4 goals and 4 teams, each team taking it in turn to go for the 1 on 1, shooting, then immediately defending against the next team. That went really well. Overall the All Stars session was brilliant. The kids were fun to coach and did everything we asked. The coaches were taking notes and asking loads of questions about our exercises. I was loving it. It's a shame that we came to them so late, otherwise I would've made Joe organise us a lot more sessions with them.

At around 7 it was time to go, though. But we both really enjoyed today, and are looking forward to the session we have with them in a couple of weeks time. Hopefully I can try some other new stuff out with them.


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