Sunday 15 March 2015

Day 53 - Waterfront & The Africa Household

Yesterday Joe invited us round his for lunch today, which we happily accepted. We had no plans for the day other than a quick trip to the Waterfront, so we were looking forward to seeing the Africa family for lunch.

We still headed to the Waterfront to get some stuff to take home, and managed to make it a quick trip round the shops getting the bits we needed before heading to the Africa household for lunch.

Lunch was amazing. Vinolia cooked up this amazing chicken with gravy dish, which was served with rice and potatoes. I had 3 platefuls of it is was delicious. After everything was cleared up, we all sat down and watched Schindlers List, which Joe had saved on his computer. It was a quality film, but went on for so long it was crazy! We were exhausted so headed home pretty much straight after. We really appreciated them having us though.

Going to get an early night tonight, as we have to be up early tomorrow because we're getting picked up to go on a safari! Really looking forward to it, it looks amazing.

Also, Happy Mothers Day to my amazing mum! Gutted I couldn't be home for today, but I'll see you soon!


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