Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 22 - Maja Crèche, JG Meiring High School & Table View Soccer Club

Another day, another 10 hour working day for me and Martin.

It all started off at the Learning Centre, where we had our second session with the Maja Crèche. After our session with them last week, we knew that they understood us a lot better than Goodwood and Sunflower Crèche's, and managed the games a lot better. So, after playing a game of Huddles, we decided to try the Domes and Dishes game that we originally tried at Goodwood in our first week, followed by getting them all sat down in a circle, rolling footballs to eachother, and aiming to hit targets.

After the crèche session was over, we had around 4 hours to kill in the Learning Centre, so we ended up playing on the computers, helping get stuff ready for the games evening at the Drommedaris tomorrow, and playing a bit of table tennis. After I humiliated Martin a couple of times, Joe fancied a game against each of us. For an old man, he was amazing at table tennis. He beat us both by a good few points each.

After Martin eventually managed to beat me, we headed off to JG Meiring High School, where we had a session with the Under 15's, as apposed to the under 17's, who I think had cricket that day so couldn't make the football session. It went really well, just like our session with the Under 17's.
We didn't have long as we had to leave at 4 to head to Table View Soccer Club, so we did a quick shooting exercise, before playing a game called Over The Bar, that we learnt at Arsenal. Safe to say the shooting wasn't too great, as I managed to get hit by volleys twice, and only 2 goals were scored, out of countless shots. It was fun, and the kids enjoyed it which was nice, too. We then ended the session with a quick match, which Martin and I got involved in as per the groups request. My team had a nightmare, though, and lost to Martins team 1-0.

Soon after 4, we left JG to quickly drop Yonick and Jaden home, then went off to Century City 5's, the place we were at with Reach For A Dream on Tuesday, to meet a guy called Kurt, who was one of the coaches at Table View. As we were following him to the training pitches, I fell asleep in the car, and Martin managed to take an incredibly hideous photo of me sleeping, where I have about 3 chins and my mouth is wide open. I'm just hoping that he's not mean enough to unleash it on Facebook.

We arrived at Table View at around 5:45, after supposedly being stuck in heavy traffic. I had no idea because I was fast asleep! But had to be energised straight away to take the session with their Under 14's and 15's. We only had 45 minutes, as training finished at 6:30, so we get them into a bit of Rondo games, then progressed it into possession games, before finishing the session with three 6-a-side matches. Before we knew it, time was up, and we wrapped up the session, and we headed home.

Since we've come out to South Africa, Martin and I have just been amazed at to level of attitude and discipline the children have. At Table View and Atlantic Football Club, all the kids are really obedient, responding to us with "yes coach" or "okay coach", which is completely different to London, where you're likely to be faced with a challenge of getting the kids to listen to follow instructions, or even to prevent them from being nasty to eachother. Everyone out here is just friendly and well mannered, which makes it a lot easier for us!

After a long day, we're both exhausted and will take tomorrow's lie in with open arms, or in my case, an open mouth and 3 chins, as we catch up on sleep we desperately need!


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