Wednesday 11 February 2015

Day 21 - Sunflower Crèche & Drommedaris

3 weeks down, 9 to go! We're already a quarter of the way through our trip which is a crazy feeling as it feels like just the other day that we hopped on a plane at Heathrow to fly out here. Hopefully the rest of the trip is as good as the first 3 weeks have been.

We had another early wake up, and had to be at the Learning Centre for 9, to have our first session with Sunflower Crèche. We were meant to have them last week but for some reason the session was cancelled.
We did pretty much the same session as what we'd done at Goodwood and Maya Crèche's last week, with the traffic lights game, followed by the relay races. However, after seeing that a small group of kids were really struggling to understand us, we scrapped that, and got the kids in a circle, sat down, and got them rolling balls to each other, before adding targets to roll and hit. They seemed to get that, and enjoy it, so the session was saved! Thankfully.

After that, we had a few hours to kill, so Joe took us down to the local Cash and Carry store, which is like a big warehouse where you can buy loads of stuff in bulk, for a decent price. He picked up a crate of fantas, aswell as a crate of cokes, along with a massive multipack bag of niknaks, that Communicare keep at the Learning Centre, that they then sell on to anyone who wants a snack while they're there.

At around 2ish, we were asked to sit in at a meeting for a company called Stenza, run by one of Joes friends. Stenza is aimed at basically increasing the facilities for kids to play football on, and run a tournament in commemoration of Nelson Mandela. They also provide support for the kids that are involved for their academically studies, aswell as football. We were there to basically show our support to the headteachers and coaches that were attending, and essentially help them try and get Stenza into local schools that the attending teachers run, which we were happy to do.

We had to leave the meeting a bit early, as we needed to get to the Drommedaris complex at around 3:30, so we left Ruyterwacht and headed off. Martin and I took a separate car to Joe, and as we both knew where we were going, we tried to make it into a bit of a race. Unfortunately, Joes car is a lot newer than ours, and has power steering, decent accelaration, is smaller and can overtake more easily,  and generally is a million miles better than our little Tazz. So we obviously lost. It was close, though.

At Drommedaris (you'll see if you read last weeks post, too), Joe likes to teach a life lesson to the kids each week. Today the life lesson was blowing our noses. Sounds easy, right? Well it was. Joe left us to teach the life lesson, as he had bits and bobs to do, and it literally took us no longer than a minute to teach it to them, them to practice it, and all the tissues to go in the bin. We then offered the kids a chance to play a game outside on the grass, but half the group wanted to stay in and colour their Valentine's Day colouring sheets Azille printed out for us to give them, so Martin to half the kids outside, and I stayed inside with the colouring lot. I ended up playing and chatting with one of the girls, called Inam, who seemed to really enjoy the attention I gave her, after seeming a bit shy and lonely to start with. At the end of our time their, she even told Martin that I was her 'Valentine's Day boyfriend'. Sorry Maddie. She was probably the most adorable little girl I've met since I've been out here, and she looked genuinely upset when we had to go, which was sad to see, but she said she'll come to the parents and kids games evening on Friday so hopefully she'll be happier then.
Martin also got chatting to this kid called Alonso, who was a self proclaimed 'Ladies Man', and he said how he had 5 girlfriends that he was sending Valentine's Day cards too. Good man!

We got back at around 6ish, and went for a quick run around the park, as we hadn't been on a run in a while. It was so much easier in the late afternoon/early evening as it wasn't as humid as in the mornings. We did 2 laps of the park but I reckon we could've done more. Slowly but surely we're getting used to the climate, and getting ourselves fitter too, which isn't too bad. Legs are absolutely gone though. They were knackered after yesterday, and are just painful now.

After going for our run, we decided to treat ourselves, so we made our way down to a place called the Maharaja, which is a little Indian restaurant, a ten minute walk away from Berghof. Martin even found out that they did Chicken Kormas too, so I was a very happy man. I was feeling peckish so ordered a Chicken Korma, aswell as a Butter Chicken, which was basically the South African name for Chicken Tikka Masala.
The taste was weird. The korma tasted nothing like a korma. Dont get me wrong, it was nice. But instead of it tasting coconutty, it was replaced with Cashew nuts. Very odd. Masala was nice, though.
After stuffing our faces, and feeling unbelievably fat after, we were pleasantly surprised that our bill was a lot lower than we expected. Happy end to a happy day, I guess.

Tomorrow, another full day, where we have a morning crèche, an after school session, and a club session. So another 9-7 day. Brilliant. Hopefully it's as fun as Tuesday's was, though. That'd be nice.


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