Saturday 28 March 2015

Day 66 - Table Mountain

Well we did it! After 65 days of waiting I finally did the one thing I wanted to do ever since I knew I was coming over here. It was well worth it.

Azille was the one who wanted to take us up, and told us she'd give us a call at 7, to see if the mountain was clear enough to go up. Thankfully it was, so she was coming to pick us up at 8:30.
At 8:15 she phone again. Her husband was called into work so couldn't join us, and she'd be here at 9.
At 9 she came to reception, and we set off! It was already really sunny, and it was starting to get hotter, but we powered on. The actually climb isn't that hard, as its pretty much just steps. But there's so many of them, some a lot bigger than others, which made it tiring. With the sun beaming down on our backs too it made it even more exhausting. After about an hour and a half of constant climbing, we reached the top of the mountain. Finally. It was amazing. The views were incredible. You could see the whole of Cape Town from up there it was beautiful.
I had had barely any water on the way up so was really dehydrated, so we headed for the shops to get some water and some food. The shops were odd. It seemed like the only thing that was overpriced was the water. Pretty much everything else was decent price. I got water, pizza, a brownie and a Magnum ice lolly. Without the water it came to about a fiver. Not bad.

After we'd rested a bit, and got our energy back, we headed to Maclear's Beacon, which is the highest point of Table Mountain. It was about an hours walk to get there. But it was so well worth it. The views were even more amazing from over there. It was just brilliant. We checked out a few of the rocks on the edge, took loads of photos, and just sat down on one of the rocks. I could've sat there for the rest of the day it was just so amazing. Pictures don't do it justice at all, which is a shame.

Soon enough, we had to go. We headed back to the point at which we go down, which was roughly another hours walk. I nipped to the shops to grab another bottle of water, and we headed down. Going down felt longer than going up, but seemed easier.

2 hours later, and 6 legs aching, we finally made it to the bottom. We were exhausted. Martin and I had planned to go to Yindees, the Thai restaurant, but as soon as Azille dropped us off I pretty much fell straight asleep. Oops. I was exhausted. Martin managed a nap later on too, so at least it wasn't just me. We have nothing planned for tomorrow, so I'm going to use that day as a rest day, and upload all of the photos from today up!


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