Tuesday 24 March 2015

Day 62 - Greenland Crèche & Mondale High School 2.0

Day 62. Crazy. In exactly 3 weeks time we will be on the plane, flying home. How time has flown by.

We started off the day at the Learning Centre, where we had a package from the mother! She has been amazing over the last few weeks. After hearing about the kids we coach, and how most of them don't have enough equipment and boots to play properly in, she took it upon herself to collect as many boots, kit and gear as she could, to send it over to us so we could hand it out.

She did an absolutely amazing job. We had 4 big boxes, full of boots, equipment and kit, which we can hand out to the kids we coach. It's amazing. She also raised £200, which were going to go towards shipping costs, but DHL were very generous, and offered to ship the goods for free! So mum is even going to send the money over to us, so we can get EVEN MORE stuff for the kids out here. It's amazing, and I'm so proud of her for doing it. Everyone here is going nuts and can't wait to see the kids faces when we hand out the gear to them. I'm so excited.

She's still collecting money before sending it over, so if any of you lovely readers are feeling generous, please contact Elli Sherman on Facebook, or just simply send money, via PayPal, to sendbootsabroad@gmail.com, it would be really appreciated.

We then had our 2nd of 3 sessions at Greenland crèche, with next week being our last.
We got there, set up, and straight away the first group came out. They were a bit louder than last week, thankfully. Still a couple of disruptive kids but we made it work. We started off with our movement game, to get them up and about, before going into relay games, which they seemed to enjoy. By the end of it, they were screaming Arsenal and all seemed really happy, which was nice.
The second group were a bit better, in my opinion. They did really well, listened well, and did well on the relays. By the end of it they were up and about, shouting Arsenal, and being really happy. So same as the second group. For this group, however, when we were doing our normal high-five-goodbye thing. They all of a sudden gave us these massive hugs, aswell as high fives. It was so adorable. The first kid did it, and then everyone else seemed to follow, and just give us hugs, before high fiving us, then going inside. They were my favourite group of the day, by far.
The third group, however, seemed to just be distracted all the time. It was crazy. They were messing around, not listening and just generally being pains. I think we dealt with them quite well though, which is good. The one positive we got from the, was the fact that when we chanted something, they'd chant it back. So we managed to get them doing a few of the Arsenal chants, which made us laugh. Martin's put one of them on Facebook. So if you have him as a friend, go take a look. It's brilliant.
Joe stayed in the car while we coached. He was busy listening to the cricket. When we finished, though, we couldn't find him anywhere. Turns out he'd had a search of the crèche, and managed to find an old TV. So he wired it up, and had the cricket on. Brilliant. We spent our break after finishing just watching the cricket.

On the way back to the Learning Centre, we had it on the radio in the car, and unfortunately, South Africa lost. It was very close, but they just lost. Safe to say, Joe wasn't happy about it. One of the fielders dropped a ball, which could've changed the game. Oh well, I was never into cricket.

After chilling out at the Learning Centre, we headed over to Mondale High School, to do our final coaching session with them. We tried to do what we did at All Stars FC last Thursday. It worked quite well, but unfortunately we had no bibs for the final part, so it got a bit confusing. The kids were really good, though, and made it a privilege to coach them. After we wrapped everything up we had loads of photos taken, and chats with the kids. It was really nice.

That was it. Home for the evening. Going to get an early night, though, as we have to be at Ruyterwacht for 8 tomorrow, to pick Joe up. We have Silvertree though, which is my favourite crèche to visit. So it should be worth it.


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