Friday 27 February 2015

Day 37 - Drommedaris Girls

For some reason this morning I got up and about really early, making my morning tea at around 8, even though I didn't have to be up until 9. I'm starting to feel the effects of not sleeping long now, writing this post, though.

Today was a fairly chilled day. Joe wanted us in at the Learning Centre at 10, just to be around for anyone that needed help on the computers or anything.
As we got there, Azille asked to see us, and she, aswell as Joe, was keen on us running a basic computer workshop, teaching whoever wants to learn, how to use a computer and set up an email address. She handed us a list of applications, and our job for th day was to ring them up and see if they were still interested, and if so, to come down on the 12th March - our first workshop. Martin decided to give me responsibilities of calling the applicants, while he got busy putting the photos of Joes camera onto their OneDrive account, and then on to Facebook. After sending a few emails, and after a tasty fish and chip lunch, I got underway.
No luck. There was about 7 applicants. 5 didn't answer their phones, one was asleep, and the final one was the only one that actually confirmed to coming down on the 12th. Success.

As the Learning Centre closed up at around 4, Martin and I headed straight for Atlantic Football Club, where we had our afternoon session with the Drommedaris girls team, ahead of their first match of the Communicare Action Soccer League tomorrow.
Very rarely have I seen a proper improvement in a players skills from the start of the session to the end. With the girls, at the end of our session, both Martin and I could see a drastic improvement in their shooting and dribbling, which is what we focused on. We must be super coaches. Sign us up Mr. Venga sir!
In all seriousness the girls were a delight to coach, just like last time. Although their ability isn't as good as some of the kids we've coached, they've been our favourite to coach, as they take everything on bored, and we end up having a lot of fun playing in matches with them.
We started off with them all having a ball each, and dribbling in a square. With just 5 girls we had enough balls for one each which was a nice, fresh, option to have.
After getting them to use different parts of their feet, we got down to the main activity. One at a time they had to come out, beat Martin the defender, then shoot at me, the goalkeeper. They did really well, and some of the girls had some serious power in their shots. The first shot that came to me, managed to smack me straight in the bum, and it stung for a long time after. Was a nightmare. But the accuracy was a little off. So we made it easier, and had Martin lay it off to the girls to have a shot at me. Much better. More shots on target and more goals.
We eneded our session with a match, Martin taking one team, I took another. Martin had the girl who was by far the best player on the team, called Thakira. She was amazing. We ended up losing 4-2 to them, meaning in mine and Martins little tally, he's 3-1 up. Damn. I'll get it back soon, don't worry folks!

After the session was over, we headed home to eat the inedible food that Berghof had left us, before heading over to Joes to celebrate Yonicks 18th! Happy birthday fella!!

Early start tomorrow, so will end the blog here. We have the start of the Communicare Action Soccer League, which I'll explain in more detail tomorrow night.


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