Sunday 22 February 2015

Day 32 - Mixas

For those that don't know, Mixas is a pub just down the road from us. Now, the fact that a pub is a title of my blog for today shows you how much of a lazy day we had, so I'm afraid today's blog won't be as exceptionally awesome as it has been.

I had a bit of a traumatic start to the day though. Woke up at around 9:30, and my eye was stinging like mad! It felt like there was a big bit of sand in there. After spending a good 15 minutes, rubbing my eye, blinking, and washing my eye with water, the pain was still there, more than ever. So I went to see the nurse. Took me a while but I found her eventually. She told me to go down to the local chemist, by Checkers supermarket, to pick up some eye drops. I was grateful for the advice, but I was a bit miffed I had to drive myself down to the shop to get the eye drops, with one eye stinging every time I opened it! Luckily nothing serious happened, the Tazz is hard enough to drive with 2 eyes on everything, let alone 1!
Got back, put the drops in, but it took a good few hours before the pain started to go. What a disaster of a morning!

There were 3 Premier League games on today, Spurs-West Ham, Everton-Leicester and Southampton-Liverpool. As Martin and I fancied a lazy day, we decided to spend the day chilling out and watching the games, with a trip to Mixas pub for dinner. Luckily, they show the football on TV, so we can watch the games while eating. Decent!

We stayed at Berghof to watch the Spurs game, which I was annoyed at Alex Song, for pretty much handing Spurs a point, by unnecessarily taking Harry Kane down, with 10 seconds left! Unbelievable.

After the Spurs game finished we made our move for Mixas, where we watched the other 2 games while eating. I enjoyed another ribs meal, while Martin had a steak burger. The whole thing was so cheap it was brilliant! We paid, and headed back to Berghof for the evening.

Like I said there's not much to comment on for today as it was a quiet, lazy day. But we're heading down to Camps Bay beach, and Clifton Beach tomorrow, so hopefully more to talk about then!


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