Tuesday 3 February 2015

Day 13 - Goodwood Crèche & Soccer For Hope

Day 13, and still no sign of sunburn! I'm starting to doubt whether I'm a true ginger or not. It's incredible. Even Martin has a bit of red on his nose.
Today started off with an early start, I woke up at around 7:30, in order to get showered and dressed. After a quick cup of tea, we set off at 8, to meet Joe and Lourens at Goodwood Crèche, where we had our sessions with the same 4 classes that we had last week. The decision to leave early turned out to be a poor one, as we were 30 minutes ahead of schedule, and had to sit in the car to wait for Joe and Lourens before going into the school. Best be safe than sorry, I suppose.
Our sessions ran much more smoothly than last week. It helps a lot to know the abilities and characteristics of the kids you're working with. We again ran the same session for all 4 classes. Starting off with a game of traffic lights, where the kids respond differently to different coloured cones (we did red=run, blue=walk and whistle=stop), then got them into running, and dribbling to a cone and back, which is unbelievably basic, but it needed to be for the level of kids we were working with. They all seemed to love it which was nice to see.
After staying around for some lunch, which was an amazing pasta with chicken in tomato sauce (thank you Lize, Lourens' wife!), we headed back to the Learning Centre, where we chilled out for a bit before heading to a place called Khayelitsha, to go visit a group of people who work for a company called Grassroots Soccer, or Soccer For Hope.
What they basically do, is use football as a way of coaching life lessons to kids aged between 11-14. These life lessons are mainly focused on HIV/AIDS, but also are used to teach kids about safe sex, and different types of violence.
After having a chat with them for around 20 minutes, swapping stories and throwing questions at each other, they invited us to play a football match with them, which both Martin and I were completely unprepared for. It showed. We played poorly and lost 1-0 in a 15 minute match. Both of us missed glorious chances, too. I blame my inappropriate footwear, and the heat, and the lack of match fitness, and the fact the sun was in my eyes...
After that we dropped Lourens off, the Joe took us to the Learning Centre so we could pick up the car, and we headed off home, grabbing some petrol on the way.
Tonight's plan is to chill out and watch the Man Utd-Cambridge game. It's my little sisters birthday too, so I'm going to Skype her tonight. Happy 11th Birthday Leah!!
Tomorrows a late start tomorrow so it'll be nice to grab a lie in, too. George came down earlier and offered to take us to Signal Hill to watch the midday cannons go, which sounds interesting, will let you know how it goes tomorrow.


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