Saturday 24 January 2015

Day 3 - Visiting The Waterfront

3 days in and still no sign of sunburn on both me and Martin! It's a miracle!
Our schedule doesn't start until Monday, so Martin and I have the weekend off to continue settling into life in Cape Town. We decided we'd use today to visit a place called the Waterfront, which is one of the places where we'll be coaching at. It also has a pretty big shopping centre too, so we thought we'd might as well take a look around.
Lourens and Joe gave us a MyCiti bus card to use, which is like the Oyster cards back in England, where you tap in and out, and money comes off the card to pay for your journey. As the car we'll have is strictly for driving to and from our coaching sessions, this bus card will be of great use.
After our, lunch of chicken stir fry with egg fried rice, we got ourselves ready and got the bus towards the Waterfront. It was about a 40 minute journey overall which wasnt too bad, and it took us around most of Cape Town so we got to see the sights on our way.
We got to the Waterfront and walked around the shopping centre to see what was there. It was actually quite nice, with quite a few shops reminding us of England like Topman, Zara and a few others which I forget.
After walking round, nosing about for a couple of hours we decided to head home, as clouds were starting to creep in and it was getting a bit nippy. Nothing as bad as English whether but colder than the weather we've had since we've been out here.
We'd had a call from Conan, who we'd met the day before, asking us if we wanted to meet up later in the evening. We were planning to call him back when we got home, but as soon as we did I pretty much conked out. I was so tired! I slept for a couple of hours, but it was definitely needed. When I wokeup it was too late for us to meet Conan, which was a shame. So we went downstairs and watched Liverpool draw to Bolton in the FA Cup. It was an unbelievably boring game, but after hearing that Chelsea, City and Spurs were all knocked out by Bradford, Middlesborough and Leicester, I didn't really care!
While I was asleep Martin got chatting to this woman called Lesley who, along with her husband George, took care of Luke and Jeff last year when they were in the position we're in now. I didn't get a chance to meet Lesley but George came and sat with us while we watched the Liverpool game, and we had a good chat with him. He said that one day he'd take us up one of the roads by the mountain at night so we could see the views of Cape Town, which sounds like a solid plan to us! They both seem lovely though, and have helped make us feel welcome here in Cape Town, so thanks very much to both of them.
Tomorrow is going to be our second day off, and we've been invited out for a kick about with the Arsenal Cape Town Fan Club, before going to a pub called the Jolly Rodger to watch the game against Brighton, but having looked at the map it looks like an absolute nightmare to get to, especially for Cape Town rookies like me and Martin. Conan mentioned seeing us there, but, unless we can get a ride off someone, it may be the case that we stay in to watch it. Who knows for now, I'll let you know what happens tomorrow!


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